Wednesday 28 May 2014

Billy's Camps No. 31, 32 and 33....Lake Mulwala.. ( 20 months after Camp 30)


Its about 20 months since the last blog in Broome. Many people are still viewing the old blogs, I'm chuffed about that.
I'm having trouble getting into the swing of a blog for each camp as I did last time, so this is a combination of several camps and a month on the road. 6600 k's travelled, wow a bit of zig zagging there !
I'm now retired and aim to pick up my travels from last time by heading to Broome, and down the WA coast to Albany.  My plans change all the time, I can do that :), and I'm currently in Kalgoorlie heading up North via outback WA. Its cold here at night and Broome is becoming very inviting, but so it is to everyone else. Crowds are not Bill. I could always go back to Middle Lagoon....
I have regrouped after the last trip and now have a slightly larger boat, and motor, and more fishing gear and more of most other stuff. The result being I'm carrying and towing more weight and the fuel economy has suffered, but you get that !
Fuel here in Kalgoorlie is $1.50/l. It was $1.96 at the SA/WA border and $2.06 at Balladonia.

I left Canberra on 24/04/14 and spent a few days on the NSW south coast before heading to Lake Mulwala, from there I went to the Adelaide Hills area and then via the Nullarbor to Esperance. From Esperance to Kalgoorlie, Kalgoorlie Boulder to be correct.

Camp 31. Lake Mulwala.
The township of Lake Mulwala is on the NSW side of the border and the bigger centre Yarrawonga is on the Victoria side.

Goodbye Florey

Lake Mulwala

A pic from the local museum of when the lake was drained. No wonder I lost lures.

The camp

Yarrawonga weir. It is the only weir between here and the Murray mouth where naval navigation is not possible.

My first and only Murray Cod, only 550mm, keeper is 600. Unfinished business. Spots are parasites, not very sightly.

The bridge about 500m upstream from the weir. Slowly subsiding.

Some family history



Camp 32 Adelaide Hills.
I travelled the shortest route to the Adelaide Hills via Shepparton and Bendigo, stayed overnight at Bordertown. The noisiest caravan park in Australia, next to the Western Highway and trucks galore all night.
I camped at Balhannah near Hahndorf in the Adelaide hills, and revisited a few places from my last trip.
Typical Murray vegetable irrigation grounds

Vineyard between Balhannah and Hahndorf

Waipinga Beach revisited

Fish from the above beach and squid from Cape Jervis ferry jetty
Camp 33 Lucky Bay, near Esperance.
I travelled once again the shortest route to Esparence via Fowlers Bay and The Nullarbor
Ceduna Jetty

Fowler Bay Jetty

Fowler Bay sand dunes

Critters in the night

Folwers Bay camp

I had never thought much of the derivation of the word Null arbor plain...derrr
Following from the last travels, I am still to see a wild camel

The emergency air strip is the road

Why..... ??

The Great Australian Bight

Over night stop on the Nullabor, twas foggy the next morning.

Salmon Gum....amazing colours

I will find a better example. words necessary

I want one.... fathers day... about a k each girls, haha.

He was looking for a salmon school

Lucky Bay

From the camper bed...sunrise

Dolphin pod from the shore

The sand is SO fine...

Lucky Bay sunrise

Frenchman Peak

A white flathead...caught on white sand.
To be continued....and updated.