Wednesday 22 February 2012

Billy's Camp No. 1 Lake Eildon, Vic.

( wow look at all those twos, started my apprenticeship 41 years ago today !!! )

G'Day All,

Not quite sure how this all works, but here goes.
My plan is simple, no plan. I will meander towards SA and head up the center of Oz to arrive up north after the current wet season. I will troop around the top and leave as the next wet season approaches. I will then head down the west coast of WA.

No deadlines, no time frames :)

I left Canberra Thursday 16th Feb 2012, and arrived at "Picnic Point " the same day, its a free camp spot alongside Lake Eildon near Mansfield in Vic, on the Delatite Arm. There are many, dozens, of free camps along the lake most w long drop toilets and concrete in ground fireplaces. Very few are in the Camps 6 book??? They are well maintained and clean. Wotcha doin NSW ?
The lake is near full and was at 99% last year compared to 5% in 2007.
A picture tells a thousand words...........
Fishing n boat gear, only + crownies

Lake Eildon...well, about 10 % of it !

4 x 4 low at last

The setup

From Highett Ridge

Brankeet Arm

Put this pic,......

and this pic,..........

and this pic, side by side, and you have the 180 degree view I had.

Delatite Arm
Last years water level -FULL

4G + 3G

Starlo special

Never let anyone knock the taste of high water redfin, a cross between snapper and bream.

Seen Billy ?

Lifes a bitch

I earned it, ha

4x4 low again

The office.

Catch ya's later...

Bill (y)


  1. Magic pics! Well done.

    Lake Eildon - warm and fuzzies from another lifetime: racing the speedboat around the lake, learning to water ski, tractor tyres which somehow didn't kill anybody...

    I know motorbikes aren't your cuppa, but if you are anywhere near the Centre 10th June you might like to check out the Finke Desert Race. So so so much fun. An Autralian institution.

    Enjoy your travels!!


  2. Excellent Bill! I can't wait to see the pics of all the places you visit!

  3. Hi Billy, finally worked out how to follow this thing. Glad to see you bought some sunnies. You lucky bloke you, very jealous from this Canberra office life.
